Jordi Pedrola was born in the city of Barcelona, and he spent his childhood in a historic suburb named Molins de Rei, a village with very refined examples of Art Nouveau buildings — examples which include his first home, named Ca'l Martí del Rec. Molins de Rei provided Jordi's launch on the adventure of painting and expression, through interior murals, graffiti, street performances and installations, leading to his execution of the ceiling of the local Theater Foment (1,800 square feet), the first masterpiece of his career. During his stay at the Winchester School of Art in the south of England, Pedrola became an abstract artist, interested mainly in the shapes of the wooden pieces found in the department of sculpture, and painting them a deep, dark blue, reflecting his obsession with Anish Kapoor mysticism. He arrived at Winchester as a Catalan Informalist and, four months later, he left as a painter of flat Symbolic panels, called altar pieces. He makes his own paint, combining pigments with linseed oil, egg or wax, in pre-Renaissance fashion, and displaying his colors on a highly personal surface, unique to this poet and architect of paint.